Monday, August 16, 2010

Help on Math Tutoring

Today let me help you understand on math tutoring. In a math addition problems , subtraction, measurement, number sense, multiplication, functions, adding and subtraction of decimals, fractions & mixed numbers, division, algebra, geometry, algebra function, probability and statistics number using words decimals. Tutor is a person who teaching a student. It is part of coaching apart from regular studies which help students to get extra knowledge

Example Problems for Median - Mathematical Tutor:
Example problem:

Find the median value of 1907, 347, 447, 222, 995, 589, and 665
We must arrange the values from lowest to highest, This could help us on free online tutoring
222, 347, 447, 589, 665, 995, 1907
Here the middle value is 589
Result is 589.

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